Bath: Pour 4 capfuls of Bath Base (Doctor Valnet) into a bowl. Add 5 dps of Rosemary EO, 5 dps of Eucalyptus and 2 of Lemon. Mix well. Pour into bath and fill bath with water. Fortifying bath, (especially for children).
Tonic massage: Mix 5ml of Rosemary, Pine and Geranium EO. Dilute to half strength with sweet almond oil. Rub onto the chest, back, nape of the neck and solar plexus in the morning.
Fumigation or vaporisation: Mix 5 dps of Rosemary, Lavender and Rosewood EO before a facial. Very good Anti-wrinkle treatment.
Anti-ageing face pack: 3 dps of Rosemary and Rosewood EO added to 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply for 5 minutes. Rinse off with tepid water, then splash with cold water.
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10 ml bottle
General stimulant. Useful in case of physical and mental fatigue
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