
Author : Stephen Harrod Buhner

  • Paperback : 467 pages
  • Language: English
  • Publisher : Storey Publishing (2012)

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Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-Resistant Bacteria

2nd edition, completely revised, expanded, and updates

  • In-depth profits of the most effective herbs
  • Comprehensive review of scientific research
  • Extensive medicine-making instructions
  • 200 tincture rations

The Essential Guides to Building Your Natural Defenses

Bacterial Infections are on the Rise, and pharmaceutical antibiotics are increasingly powerless to stop them. Pathogenic bacteria are tenacious survivors; they outsmart modern medicine and become virulent “superbugs”, resistant to antibiotics and increasingly deadly.

Stephen Harrod Buhner offers conclusive evidence that plant medicines, with their complex mix of multiple antibiotic, systematic, and synergistic compounds, should be our first line of defense against resistant infections. His indispensable reference explains the roots of antibiotic, explores the value if herbal treatments, and provides in-depth profiles of the most reliably effective herbs, giving you the confidence to identify the best herbal formulas and make medicines yourself.


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