
Some ways that Natural vitamin D 3 helps Oemine D2:

The maintenance of normal teeth and normal bones
The maintenance of normal muscle function
Normal function of the immune system
the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus
With normal serum calcium
Plays a role in the cell division process.

(JO Regulation EU No. 412/2012)

It is recommended for:

infants, children and growing adolescents
pregnant and breastfeeding women
postmenopausal women
people who are exposed to little sun
people with bone fragility and / or muscle

2 sprays per day to swallow pure or on a food support.

Dose and duration tune to the advice of a healthcare professional and according to individual needs.

Dye free, gluten free, preservative free.

Recommended association to take alternating with vegetable Oemine D2, every other month.

20 ml

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Natural dietary supplement designed to provide vegetal vitamin D3 after boreal lichen for maintaining good bone health, dental and muscle.
This natural supplement helps fill a deficiency in vitamin D very common in the population, especially during specific periods of so-called risk (winter, pregnancy, menopause, growth …).

Vegetal vitamin D3 Oemine is extracted from the boreal lichen, and can be an alternative to the synthetic form of the vitamin.

It is compatible with vegan and vegetarian eating habits.