
Author: Rav P.S. Berg

  • Paperback: 211 Pages
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Kabbalah Publishing

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Throughout history, humankind has struggled with certain deeply troubling questions:

  • If God is just, why does fortune often seem to favor those who least deserve it?
  • If God is good, why are some of the best people afflicted with poverty, illness, and even untimely death?
  • If God is all-powerful, why does He allow evil to persist in the world?

In Wheels of a Soul, Kabbalist Rav Berg reveals the keys to answering these and many more questions that lie at the heart of our existence as human beings. Specifically, Rav Berg explains why we must acknowledge and explore the lives we have already lived in order to understand the life we are living today…

Make no mistake: you have been here before. Reincarnation is a face – and just as science is now beginning to recognize that time and space may be nothing but illusions, Rav Berg shows why death itself is the greatest illusion of all.

In this book you learn much more than the answers to these questions. You will understand your true purpose in the world and discover tools to identify your life’s soul mate. Read Wheels of a Soul and let one of the greatest Kabbalistic masters of our time change your life forever.