About the Author
H. Spencer Lewis is the author of several books, including Self-Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life, The Mystical Life of Jesus, Mental Poisoning, The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyramid, and other. Until his transition in 1939, he was Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC. For many years, students of mysticism and philosophy have been fascinated by his timeless writings. His candid, straightforward style reveals a keen insight into the age-old mysteries of life.
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A strange story of mystic revelations
On New Year’s Eve of 1917 the life of William Howard Rollins was to change forever as he contemplated a painting of mysterious origins. This practical-minded, hard-driving businessman was about to enter into a world completely foreign to him, but one that would provide him a key unlocking the door to the mystical realms of the past. Rollins would soon learn that his present life was only one of his many lives. The drama of a thousand years of lifetimes would reveal to him the secrets of reincarnation-the soul’s rebirth on earth.