
by  Maria Lupita Martinez

  • Paperback: 180 pages
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Martinez Publishing

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Finding the Joy of Spirituality Along Life’s Path

This is an amazing tale of a woman whose life has been a true testimony of the evolution of a soul. Born in Costa Rica, she began life experiencing vast swings of poverty and wealth. She learned with every experience that life is an obstacle course and the attitude we use to run the race makes all the difference in the outcome. Maria openly shares her experiences so that we can learn and, hopefully find more ease and grace with our spiritual evolution.

“All is one-and One is all. No separation exists. We are all God, Goddess, All That Is. Whether we are asleep or awake, we are still God”.Maria is fully awake, a master teacher.”Open Door From the Universe” will trigger ancient memories; your soul will stir  I highly recommend it to all who care to remember that we re all one”. – Michael L. Schuster