
Author A.A. Taliaferro

  • Paperback: 95 pages
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: St. Alcuin Press (1970)

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About the Author

A.A. Taliaferro attended Brown University and the University of Michigan and is a graduate of the latter. His first career was that of professional musician. He studied orchestral conducting with the grate French conductor Pierre Monteux, in France, in New York, and in San Francisco.

In 1938, having decided to enter the Episcopal priesthood, he enrolled at Berkeley Divinity School in New Haven, Connecticut. Later he attended Seabury-Western at Evanston, Illinois, from which he was graduated in 1945 and which in 1962 bestowed on him the honorary D.D. degree.

In 1945 he founded St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Dallas. He remained as rector of that church until 1962, when he resigned to devote himself to writing, lecturing, and counseling. St. Alcuin’s Community Church, which he now serves while continuing these activities, was founded in 1965.