
by : Papus (Dr. Gérard Encausse 1865-1916)

  • Paperback: 171 pages
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Weiser (2000)

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The Qabalah,which was first published in 1892, provides a concise and valuable introduction to the sacred science of the Hebrews, and thus to the esoteric teachings of Christianity. It also contains Papus’ complete translation of the Sepher Yetzirah,Eliphas LÇvi’s famous Ten Lessons on the Qabalah,Rabbi Drach’s important treatise, The Qabalah of the Hebrews,along with his original theoretical explorations of the Qabalah.

This book gives a concise and valuable introduction to the sacred science of the Hebrews, and thus to the esoteric teachings of Christianity.